Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Monday, so good to me...

Oh don't you just love Mondays?  I, personally am indifferent today.  Just another day closer to things happening.  Although, the weekend was good so I wish it wasn't Monday yet!  Too bad we can't stop time.

Friday was a great time.  Had a going away party for a coworker.  It was her last day, so we went out to show her off in style!  Saturday morning was kind to me, no hangover!  I went up to my parents' house in Sheboygan and had a pretty relaxing time.  Nothing of consequence happened up there!

I am definitely looking forward to Friday night, though.  I am going to see Ron White with my sister!!  I hope it is great!  Saturday I have to go see my cousins and wish them a happy birthday since I will be missing their birthday party.

I am flying down to St. Louis on Sunday afternoon.  Then I have the pleasure of driving to Rolla, MO.  A city in the middle of nowhere, or so it seems!  I am spending the week in Rolla for a course on coatings.  It sounds thrilling, right?  Then, being so lucky, I get to give a lengthy presentation on the material learned!

I get back to Milwaukee Friday evening with just enough time to unpack, do laundry and relax.  Then I get to head to Sheboygan on Saturday for the Easter weekend.  So much travelling!  I will take it though- after April 8th I won't be going anywhere for a while!

The last three weeks have gone by so quickly, and I feel like the next two will fly by as well.  There is just so much going on!  I hope everyone else has has a great weekend and will have a great week.

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