Well it has been quite a while since I have written anything on here... and my how things have changed!
I am still working at Essential Industries in Merton. I was *this close* to moving to St. Louis in August. I got offered a job down there, but it was difficult to make the decision to pack up and be 6-8 hours away from my friends and family. Seems everyone is pretty happy I didn't go, and when I really think about it, so am I. I have some terrific friends that I have become much closer to in the past six months.
While I get frustrated at work from time to time, I really do love working here. Everyone is so friendly and nice. I don't know how I would have felt being somewhere I didn't know anyone... probably would've become a recluse!!
My nephew is about two and a half now, which is incredible! He is such a smart, funny kid. I wish I could see him more often- along with the rest of my family. I haven't seen most of my family since Christmas. It is weird to be so distant, only because I live so far away from them all.
Right before my last few posts I had knee surgery. Well things are much better! I am fully functioning and feeling good :-). I was left with some arthritis after the surgery which is taken care of using an injection once or twice a year. I think I can deal with that!
Well, that is all for now... I will be sure to update more often!